Parent Resources » Parent Resources

Parent Resources


Information is on the Way!



What is Zone of Choice?

One of the top priorities of L.A. Unified continues to be creating safe spaces for learning, where all students are respected and have access to a quality education.
The District’s policies prohibit discrimination against or harassment of our students, families, or employees on the basis of actual or perceived religion, disability, nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or other protected classes.
All children in the United States have a constitutional right to equal access to a free public education, regardless of immigration status or that of their parents. L.A. Unified will continue to honor that right.
L.A. Unified does not ask for the immigration status of a student or family member for enrollment or educational purposes.

Bringing your children to Independence

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. Creating a habit of good attendance is important. Good attendance will help children do well later in high school, college, and work.
  • Be sure to come to school every day.
  • Be in the gate by 7:50 a.m.
  • Stay healthy by washing your hands, going to bed on time and eating nutritious meals.
  • If your child is sick, please keep them at home. When returning to school, write a note or bring a note from the doctor.

Improving the Safety of Pick-Up and Drop-Off

Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for children between 5 and 14 years of age, and the LAUSD, in conjunction with other agencies, is launching a new Safe Routes To School (SRTS) yearlong campaign to build awareness of the importance of traffic safety and reinforce that everyone can be a part of the safety solution.
September’s theme is Curb Your Behavior – Improving the Safety of Pick-Up and Drop-Off. The key message is: Be patient and courteous in your school neighborhood. If you drive your children to or from school, you are responsible for their safety, and for the safety of all other students.

When driving to school for drop-off and pick-up:

  • Be patient and courteous
  • Never double park
  • Do not block crosswalks
  • Make sure your child exits and enters the car on the right side, directly onto or off of the curb.

When walking, riding, or rolling:

  • Use extra caution before entering the street
  • Obey crossing guards and follow crossing signals
  • Never enter the street from between cars


  1. Curb Your Behavior Flyer (English/Spanish)
  2. Drop Off / Pick Up Safety Tips
  3. VIDEO: Crossing Intersections Safely
  4. Reduce Your Speed (Graphic/Embeddable Visual)

Title 1 School Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2024- 2025